Frequently Asked Questions


Junior (7-17 years old) Golf Instruction

Do you work with youngsters under age 7?

I have in the past for many years.  While there may have been an exception or two, it’s my experience that very young children do better playing putting or chipping games in the backyard with their parents, siblings, and neighbors. Teaching young, young children is not my forte. 

My 9-yr old has expressed an interest in learning to playing golf. What do you recommend?

Get them a US Kids Yard Club which comes with a molded grip and some Almost Golf Balls online. Let them swing in the yard a little. If they enjoy it and want to explore deeper, you may:

1. Schedule a 1/2-hour junior lesson — a friend can join them at no additional cost. Both youngsters must come with at least 1 golf club.

2. An adult can schedule a 3/4-hour lesson (Adult-Junior) and add a junior at no additional cost. I have had really great experiences with a parent and child learning together. These can be wonderful, life-long lasting memories.

My 14-yr old does nothing but play video games. I cannot get him interested in any physical activities.  I’m trying to convince him to take golf lessons. What do you suggest?

Believe it or not, this is fairly common. Unless he has a good friend who is also interested, there is only a slim chance you will be successful. Honestly, I am not open to working with anyone — junior or adult — who is coming for lessons only because someone has talked them into it. Sorry, I’m human — that type of lesson isn’t much fun for me. If he has a buddy who is interested in golf, take them to the driving range, rent a club or two and let them pound a bucket of golf balls. They will probably have fun and expend lots of energy.


Weather Conditions for Golf Lessons

Do you cancel golf lessons if it will likely rain at lesson time?

I have given many lessons in the rain. I don’t enjoy it. It’s not my preference. I am somewhat limited in my ability to use my electronics (video). However, if the golfer has an urgent need i.e. upcoming competition etc. and wants to do a rainy lesson, I usually will. The better question is “May I cancel my lesson if it will likely rain during lesson time?”

May I cancel my lesson if it will likely rain during lesson time?

Absolutely! Here’s how my weather (or other) cancellation policy works. First, know your weather sensitivities. Does heat, cold, humidity, wind, rain, etc bother you. Everyone is different. I have a VERY generous 12-hour notice requirement. Especially if you are weather sensitive, you will want to check your weather apps the evening before your lesson. Based on the best information you have, you need to decide to cancel or not. If you do not cancel with at least 12 hours notice, you will be accountable for your lesson fee UNLESS the instructor ends up canceling the lesson the next day. If you are “on the fence”, the best strategy is to cancel your lesson with at least 12 hours notice. If the next day, the forecast changes and the weather looks to be fine, you can see if that lesson is still available for booking.

Do you contact me about weather-related lesson cancellations?

You should not wait for me to contact you. I don’t know what your weather sensitivities are. If you are still on the schedule within 12 hours of your lesson, that means to me that you know your weather sensitivities (if any), you have checked your weather apps, and you have chosen to go ahead with your lesson anyway. On lesson day, I will have a more current radar to watch. If I determine that I don’t want to work in the weather likely to be present at lesson time, yes I will contact you, cancel your lesson, and refund the entire fee.

Are you accurate at weather prediction?

Only as good as my weather app. I use the upgraded version of Storm Radar. It is usually pretty good but not perfect. Also please keep in mind the weather can change quickly especially with pop-up storms in the summertime.

If we are in the middle of a lesson and it starts to rain, do we take a pause?

If it’s raining lightly, we continue. If it’s pouring, we usually go to the cart barn since we are not under cover at the Renditions’ range. If there is no lesson scheduled right behind yours, we can continue once the rain lets up. If there is a someone waiting for their lesson to begin right after yours, we end the lesson at the scheduled time and I will refund your lesson fee on a prorated basis. 

What about lightning and lessons?

At the first sighting of lightning, the lesson is halted and we take cover. I wait until the lightning is at least 10 miles away before starting back up. The same restart and prorated lesson fee procedure as above applies.